Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Update: 6/13/07 - First Tribal Adventure

Hello !!

We just got back, not long ago from our first of many adventures in the hill tribes of Thailand. This village was called Haug Da Top - a three and 1/2 hour drive, and 2 hour hike up steep mountainous terrain. The people group are called the "Karen". They live a very simple life with their huts, cattle, and crops. But it is absolutely beautiful up there. I am never seen anything like that...Our second day in, we got to help them with their vision for a coffee plantation. They had started two years ago by planted 500 coffee plants. Half of those were lost, and the other half have just started to bare fruit. Thanks to the donation of another local missionary - they were able to buy 500 more plants, that we helped them get in the ground that day. It was such an amazing experience.. and one I've always dreamed about being able to do. So that was a sweet gift from God.

As if it couldn't get any better, near the end of our planting, we heard a loud noise coming over the mountain. It was rain!! I have never heard rain before I saw it - but wow!! It was gorgeous. We grabbed our picks, tools, plants, hats, and went running for their huts for shelter. It was so incredible. I didn't stay there long though. I had to go dance in it.

Then a pastor friend showed us where there was a waterfall we could swim in. We got to hike through the rain forest, with a machete - chopping brush out of the way. At the clearing we were over looking rice fields as far as we could see. There were water buffalo munching away on different level, that looked up as we passed.  All this while it was still raining!!

An incredible far, one of the best I have ever lived.

We had the chance to pray for a lot of people and saw God move.Many of the young people in Haug Da Top are strong in their faith and love for God and each other. The spirit world is very real to them. And they shared many stories with us about seeing demons, and chasing them out of the village in Jesus name. Revival is breaking out in many of the hill tribes, as people are dreaming dreams and having visions of Jesus. People who didn't know who Jesus was, are getting saved, by the Spirit. They are corporately seeing visions and experiencing things like in Acts 2 - when Holy Spirit came with fire. People are getting healed and delivered. And God is blessing their crops and cattle. Only a year ago..many of them were starving to death - but now God is pouring out blessing. Like the floodgates of heaven. To hear them pray ..crying out to God with their whole heart and every bit of lung power, hour after hour. And to live with them, in those conditions, and understand more then I ever have the intensity of their need. I was moved with a desire to DO something. I know that I was there..and I was DOING SOMETHING. But more..what more can I do? I don't want to just forget what I have seen and heard and experienced.

Now we will be going to another tribe the day after tomorrow. This time to work with an Indian woman who started an orphanage up in the mountains. Please pray for us as we go. But also remember the people in Haug Da Top...that God would be near to them.Continuing to blessing their crops, and their village with food and clothing. With clean water. That the coffee we planted will take root, and be fruitful - bringing in prosperity for their families and future. They are such giving people. What little they had..they still insisted that they cook for us while we were there (though we had brought food of our own). And as we left they gave us peppers and rice.

They have left a mark in me that I am still searching to fully grasp. They LIVE like Jesus..though many of them have never, and will never be able to read or write. God has written his law on their hearts in such an amazing way. I will never forget them. And I sincerely hope that someday I will be able to go back.

I will try to write again in a week or so. We will be in the next village from Saturday through the following Friday.
I love you all - and am praying for you ---


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